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Friday, March 14th 2008, 5:03am

DCOP and saving images

I'm trying to write a simple script that will take a graphical selection, perform optical character recognition on it and put the resulting text into the selection buffer.

In theory there's nothing to it - save the selection as an image file, convert the file to a tiff, run tesseract on that, and select the contents of the resulting output.

However I get stuck at step 1. I can see three potential KDE applications, none of which quite works for me. kolourpaint has no DCOP interface, kview does but file_save does not appear in it, and krita does but doesn't provide edit_paste.

I had a look at the source of kview to see if I could work out why some menu items appear in the DCOP interface and others not. But it's all more investment in time than I feel is warranted by such an unambitious project.

Any suggestions?


Friday, January 17th 2014, 2:33am

the best way to finish making an imaging application is by taking a look at other software. so that you will have some thought on how to make those functions realized.

tiff converter /image saving & printing /OCR

best luck to you