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Monday, February 18th 2008, 1:20pm

Kmail certificate warning failure

Hmm, it was hard to make up a good topic for this :)

I have an issue with Kmail. I'm using a TLS connection to the mail server but the server certificate is self signed or not valid in other ways, but that is ok, because i know the cert and I want to trust it. Here Kmail correctly displays a warning and give me the option to trust it, either this time or forever. My problem is that Kmail's definition of "forver" seem to be until the next time kmail is started and I connect again... i.e it does not remember my selection.

Now after clicking on the button for the 34000'th time I thought maybe someone can help me solve it once and for all. I have tried to look around for anything obvious like file permissions but haven't found anything, of course also tried deleting all certs and accepting them again. Does anyone know what might help poor Kmail remember that I DO trust the cert?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "CoolC" (Feb 18th 2008, 1:21pm)