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Monday, January 28th 2008, 2:08pm

KDE 4 KWin 3D Effects in VMware Fusion/Parallels on OS X Leopard 10.5 [EDITED]

I've been able to confirm Parallels supports OpenGL, but can not confirm compatibility with KDE 4 desktop effects. Can anyone?

I am about to get a VM software for my iMac. I have pretty much decided on VMware Fusion because I am familiar with VMware Player on Linux. I am still pretty much a 'n00b' on Linux, and am newly back to Apple after a 10 year hiatus and want to keep my chops up on Linux/BSD. KDE 4 excites me greatly (the prospect of it 2 years ago is what pushed me to KDE instead of GNOME when I started using Linux), personally I think that it is a major step towards OSS becoming mainstream, especially given the KDE 4 apps becoming available on Windows and OS X.

Here is my main question:
Will the 3D effects run in a VM of Kubuntu or PC-BSD running KDE 4 in VMware Fusion, or any VM for OS X?

Specifically, the new KWin effects is what I want in order to keep my family aware of the beauty of it all to keep them comfortable with it so when I switch back (I think it's inevitable that in 5-7 years KDE on BSD will give me all or more then Apple will) they won't go into shock.

So with that is my 2nd question that requires the first to even be valid:
Is there a setting to give me a dock (like AWN) in native KDE 4? I know in 3.5 there was the common menu bar, so I'd want that and a dock (again to help keep my family from going into shock when I switch back).
20" iMac,2.4GHz Duo,4GB RAM,ATI 2600
2 x Mac Mini,1.5Ghz Solo,1GB RAM,Intel On-Board Vid
AMD 3000+,DFI NForce 4,1GB RAM,nVidia 6200 256MB Vid
Trying to get KDE 4/Kubuntu or PC-BSD to work in VM's on them all (Native on the AMD).

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "EMoShunz" (Jan 31st 2008, 1:08pm)