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Friday, January 11th 2008, 9:32pm

KDE 4 as Windows Shell

Is having KDE 4 as a Windows shell possible? I read articles about it being implemented, but can it be done right now? I have no reason to use KDE if it is just to use programs, but if I'm able to replace the lame excuse for an os shell that xp has with xp i'd be exuberant. I used to have Linspire (ick) but I loved how linux and kde worked (even tough i hated how linspire was set up, too windows like, and it didn't come with any way to launch binarys that I knew of, so I had to compile everything from source :/).



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Saturday, January 12th 2008, 2:13am

I'd suggest giving Kubuntu a try. The repos have nearly every Linux software binary you can imagine... so installing and running things is really not a problem.

You can even grab a KDE 4 LiveCD here



Saturday, January 12th 2008, 3:13am

I've already downloaded kbuntu and burned it onto a cd. I have to use windows all the time, and It would be nice if kde 4 was the default shell. I was just wondering if anyone knew if it was possible, and if they knew how.



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Saturday, January 12th 2008, 2:22pm

Last time that I heard of it, no, it is not posible (for the moment). You can run KDE programs.
Also, using Cygwin you can get a fully "functional" KDE 3 on Windows, with kicker and the programs running. I wrote "functional", because although the functionality is there, the speed was horifying (I needed a file manager and Konqueror is by far the best).




Sunday, June 22nd 2008, 6:24am

if you wanted to try it I would figure the very first thing you'd have to do is edit the plasma/kicker menu and add your windows executables into it. I dunno if this is possible though (I havent downloaded the most recent kde4 for win). I'll try tonight.

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Tuesday, November 25th 2008, 10:20pm

++ I want use plasma as windows shell, for stay on windows where I need windows. (I'm linux user, but It's not possible do work always under linux)
alpha_one_x86, my qt project:
I hope kde want include my project.