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Saturday, August 25th 2007, 9:53am


I would like to create a theme in which the username and password boxes appear to be behind a glass screen. Having read up on my options, it appears that I may have two:

one is that I could make the glass screens in a PNG with tranparency which I then place over the login boxes (problem: I don't know if the login boxes will be automatically placed on top of the PNG - is it possible to control this?)

the other is that I could integrate the glass screens and make the login boxes partially transparent (I think that's this: <normal color="#ffffff" alpha="0.9">)

Would either of those work?
We don't inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children.


Saturday, August 25th 2007, 5:37pm

I don't seem to be able to make either work. I don't think transparency is accepted for the entry boxes and the entry boxes are always placed on top... can someone advise?
We don't inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children.