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  • "RumbaDancer" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Poland

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Wednesday, May 23rd 2007, 9:02pm

Kwrite and some sugestion

I dont know this is proper forum but.... lets begin.

I would like to have some scripting in KWrite. IE: writing .cpp file its would be nice i we had some 'jed-style' editing like this:

Source code

struct sth {

would automatically put

Source code

struct sth {

If somebody could help me what source file in Kwrite need to be hacked or is it planed in KDE 4 ?
Of course other languages have also needs like this one
Don't Stop Dancing.....


Wednesday, May 23rd 2007, 11:21pm

kate has a scripting interface, Dunno if that can do what you want.
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