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Thursday, March 1st 2007, 12:58pm

KDE Desktop / Screensaver Crashing

I am having difficulties with my kde desktop and screensaver.

Dell Latitude X300
Intel 855 Video Card
Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper
KDE 3.5.2

I recently changed some of my power settings (K->System Settings->Hardware->Laptops & Power->Laptop Battery) because my laptop was not hibernating or suspending as the battery ran down.

After doing this, my screensaver stopped working. It just never kicked in. I went online to try fix it and found this webpage. It suggests downloading the file and storing it in /usr/lib. (I didn't keep a copy of the old file.)

After doing this the screensaver would kick in but it was a blank black screen instead of the screensaver I had chosen. I right clicked on the desktop and chose 'Configure Desktop'. The busy icon came up for a second, then the desktop crashed. The kicker panel and everything else works fine but the desktop background and all the icons are gone, just a black background remains. The same thing happens after every reboot.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance.



Thursday, March 1st 2007, 3:11pm

I think you should revert your change to

You probably can do so by reinstalling kdelibs.
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