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Monday, January 22nd 2007, 6:03pm

howto change default application for protocols like imap://

I'm using Thunderbird as my mailapp. Not Kmail.
When dragging an attachment from Thunderbird and into basket I get a link like this:

When clicking on this link, kio_imap4 is started ("ps aux" shows this) but nothing happens, it just hangs.

What I really want is some way of configuring that all "imap://" links should open with thunderbird.

When I do this on commandline:
mozilla-thunderbird -mail "imap://>UID>/INBOX>12369?part=1.2&type=application/msword&filename=worddoc.doc"
it opens the attachment.

Someone know of any way of configuring this?



Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

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Monday, January 22nd 2007, 9:40pm

RE: howto change default application for protocols like imap://

Did you already change the default mailer in KDE? Control Panel -> KDE Components -> Component Chooser.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Monday, January 22nd 2007, 10:27pm

RE: howto change default application for protocols like imap://

Yes, I changed it to Thundebird, but it did not help.

When clicking on the link, a dialog comes saying "Examining file progress".

I don't think the link draged from thunderbird is a correct imap link, but it should not matter since I want it opened by thunderbird anyway.