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Monday, January 22nd 2007, 5:57pm

Konsole feature request

I would like to have something that indicate to me if there is running process (e.g : compilation of kde) on the konsole tabs. (Example, put a * on both side of the tab's name. Text color, etc)

This will be very useful for system adminstrator who use multiple tab for system maintenance.


Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 4:06pm

if there is output, this is possible. just use the 'monitor for activity' option. and there is a script somewhere (maybe kde-apps) to let the konsoletab have the name of the current running app (like make, configure or whatever).
-=| life sucks deeply |=-


Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 5:06pm

Thank's, this is doing what I expected.


Thursday, April 26th 2007, 5:48pm

The style of 'monitoring for activity' that Konsole uses is not quite what I'm looking for.

For one thing, it requires user interaction to activate it. So you gotta want it bad to do it.
For another thing, it makes a huge deal out of the activity that it finds, firing the window-manager hint and everything. (and that's why it requires user-interaction to activate)

I propose to keep this feature, but add a more pasive one that is always on. (I got this idea from iTerm, for the Mac).

When activity happens on a tab, turn the tab's name purple (or put a * in its name or something). It stays purple for a couple seconds after activity, but then turns red if silence happens. These behaviors are not triggered if you're on the tab, cuz you can see the changes with your eyes.

It's nice and passive, is convenient to always have on, and it notifies you of multiple states: Activity and silence.

That's what I'd like to see.



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Thursday, July 5th 2007, 7:15am

I guess this an all that comes to mind thread for all..not just one person. Hope does not steal a thread.

I would like to have groupings of sessions. I talk about Konsole->Settings->Configure KOnsole->Session tab
I am using this to keep ssh connection bookmarks to different systems as they are too many.

Currently I work on 3 systems -> each one have test/live each of those have web-int ,web-ext, db, etc + svn servers - you get the picture ..there are too many bookmarks
and with no possibility to group them into some kind of subfolders its kind of tricky.

Currently I resolve issue just by naming convetion but...

Also would be great to can reorder these session they appear on menu.