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Friday, January 19th 2007, 11:20pm

Requesting: Knetwork Manager feature

Sorry, I am new to this and have no idea where to post features requests.

I really hope that the next update for Knetwork Manager will allow it to remember wireless ppasswords without the need of Kwallet.

I think that there should be an option which allows users to choose if they want to enter password every time or not.

I wish Knetwork Manager could be like in Ubuntu Gnome, you enter WPA password once and from there on it connects automatically every time you log in in the future.


Saturday, January 20th 2007, 12:34am

RE: Requesting: Knetwork Manager feature


Originally posted by robertpolson
Sorry, I am new to this and have no idea where to post features requests.

You can post them at
Easiest way is to look in the application you have a request about for menu item [help->report bug]
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