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Friday, January 5th 2007, 4:42pm

Taskbar alternatives


i was wondering if there are any customizeable alternatives to the default KDE taskbar. Or if there are hidden options that can be tweaked in the default taskbar that cant be accessed through the taskbar options dialogue. (maybe some to only show application icons without text, things like that).

thanks :)


Friday, January 5th 2007, 10:30pm

Do you mean just the taskbar or the whole kde panel?

You can look for superkaramba themes that replace the panel.
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Sunday, January 28th 2007, 4:20pm

there is a kicker applet called mtaskbar , the last version is 0.7. the auther has stoped it long ago . i used to compile it in kde3.5.5 successfully , maybe you can have a try.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "lenovox" (Jan 28th 2007, 4:23pm)