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Friday, December 22nd 2006, 2:11pm

Konqueror file association problem

I am running KDE 3.5.5 on OpenSuse Linux 10.2.

Whenever I try to open any link from within a Konqueror desktop folder I get the

"There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated
Konquereor with application/x-desktop, but it can not handle this file

I am able to open that link when it is on the desktop itself and not within a desktop folder.

In the KDE File Associations for Application X-desktop I see a handler of 'kfmclient' which executes a command of 'kfmclient openURL %u'. Is this handler correct ?

My kdebase3 package, which includes konqueror, says 3.5.5-125.2.

If anybody can help me fix this problem so that links in desktop folders can be opened correctly, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you !



Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

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Friday, December 22nd 2006, 7:13pm

RE: Konqueror file association problem

In my situation I've associated Kate with *.desktop files, Konqueror (kfmclient) cannot do really much with that kind of files.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Friday, December 22nd 2006, 10:18pm

RE: Konqueror file association problem


Originally posted by bram85
In my situation I've associated Kate with *.desktop files, Konqueror (kfmclient) cannot do really much with that kind of files.

I certainly did not associate kfmclient with *.desktop files, but some installation must have done that. What you appear to be saying is that I should remove the association.

As far as associating Kate with *.desktop files, does that not mean that if you attempt to open the *.desktop file that Kate will be invoked ? That does not appear to be what you would want. Isn't the idea of *.desktop files that the command specified from within the *.desktop file should be invoked ? Or does Kate know how to invoke that command automatically and that is why associating Kate with *.desktop files works correctly ?


Saturday, December 23rd 2006, 3:05pm

RE: Konqueror file association problem

This was finally solved for me by removing the kfmclient file association to Application/X-desktop file type under KDE. After that I was able to open desktop files from within a desktop folder without any problems. I d not know what program setup this file association on my machine but it evidently did not work. Thanks for your help.