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Wednesday, December 6th 2006, 3:47pm

How to check KDE version using command?

I know how to check KDE version using the GUI method:
eg, open Konqueror and look at what's written in About.

But is there a way to check the version in command? You know, something like "uname -a"?

This is very useful, as all administrators should know, since it would be possible to write shell script to install things according to KDE version.




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Wednesday, December 6th 2006, 10:29pm

Source code

kded --version

Replace kded with any KDE app name, like kdesktop, kicker, konqueror, etc. That command will show you the KDE version, the Qt version used, and the app's version.
OS: Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | KDE 3.5.3
Computer Specs: AMD Sempron 2200 1.5Ghz | VIA KM266 Pro 8235 chipset | nVidia GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR-RAM 32-bit AGP 8x


Saturday, June 6th 2009, 3:52pm

check KDE version

Could you give exact command?

Like is it "kicker --version" or "kicker -version"?
No matter what i try it gives command not found.


Monday, June 8th 2009, 2:18pm

RE: check KDE version

(Off-topic: Wow! I've never expected this old thread in 2006 is still active :D )
Could you give exact command?

Like is it "kicker --version" or "kicker -version"?
No matter what i try it gives command not found.
Make sure "kicker" exists for you. Just type "kicker" and see what you get.


Friday, June 12th 2009, 3:43pm

funny, i have KDE4 with plasmoids and all the stuff, yet many old kde 3 apps claim that i have kde3.5.10, while amarok or kate, to say, return: kde 4.2.2


Monday, June 15th 2009, 1:30pm

I actually expect that what you get is normal because as far as I understand it, <k_app> --version as suggested by jucato displays the version of a particular application/software.

KDE is made up of a set of applications. "KDE version" only makes sense if all K applications are at the same version level, eg from a default installation of a certain distribution, as in my case when I posted my message years ago.

But in your case, your "KDE" is a mixture of different versions, so it's quite natural to get what you got.

PS: I missed clicked the "Report" button but I didn't realize it! Someone knows how to recall the mis-report?