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Wednesday, July 5th 2006, 4:30am

[kopete] Setting away status (solved)

OK, this may seem like a dumb question, but I've been in the process of trying to move from gaim to Kopete for various reasons.

One thing I can't figure out is how to set an away *status* for all of my accounts simultaneously.

I can use the status/selector on the lower left to set an away *message* for all accounts simultaneously, but it puts my accounts into the "online with an away message" state. Needless to say, if I'm setting an away message I expect to be marked as some form of *away*. On the other hand, I can set an away status along with an arbitrary away message for individual accounts/protocols one at a time with no problems using the account icons at the lower right, but it's annoying to do this for three or more accounts at once.

So how do I set an away *status* for all accounts simultaneously? (I realize that some protocols offer more status types than others, but Away and Online are common to basically all protocols and it was easy to set all accounts I was logged into as Away at once with gaim.)

Also, I've seen where I can change the status icons for individual contacts/metacontacts in my contact list, is there any way to do this for all contacts/metacontacts? It's very difficult to distinguish the "Online" icons in Kopete from the "Away" icons with that tiny little circle.

Edit: Setting away status for all accounts at once is in the icons at the top of the buddy list. Doesn't make sense that some status-related functionality is at the top and some is at the bottom...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Entropy" (Jul 5th 2006, 5:21am)



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Thursday, July 13th 2006, 10:38pm

RE: [kopete] Setting away status (solved)

Actually, it's all available from the top. Next to the icon that sets the away status for all accounts is a way to set the message for all accounts as well. We just offer a way to set it from both the top and the bottom