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Thursday, June 29th 2006, 1:33pm

KDE/KDM Multiple Sessions

I would like to have more than 10 multiple sessions running concurrently. As I understand right now there is a limit of 6 multiple sessions (ctrl-alt-7 to ctrl-alt-12).
my quesion: is there a configuration file that would allow to define 10 sessions? Is there a possiblity to modify the KDM/XDM source to be able to accomodate 10 sessions?




Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Thursday, June 29th 2006, 6:10pm

RE: KDE/KDM Multiple Sessions

That's pretty much, I'd suggest to run 10 local FreeNX sessions instead.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (