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  • "kuroSAVVAS" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Greece, Thessaloniki

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Monday, March 27th 2006, 4:09pm

Greek keyboard layout problem

Now i searched the forum for an answer to my problem but found nothing.I am pretty new to linux and the only real reason i installed is beacause i wanted an installation of latex(i study mathematics) and it is very difficult in windows...i installed suse 10 with kde and found the awsome editor kile.i have a huge problem though with keyboard layouts.i installed the greek standart layout and using kxkb i configured the layouts to switch between english and greek with alt-shift. nothing...i used all other combinations, still nothing.i read some manuals that said that a previous version of kxkb had been using ctrl-alt-k to switch languages and if my layout was not latin(greek IS nonlatin) i sould change some lines in a configuration file, i currently dont remember, and it sould work.well it worked with the exeption that every time i switched layouts with ctrl-alt-k i always got engliish characters(even when the greek layout was loaded).I had succesfully installed this feature in gnome but i really like the kile editor and i don't want to switch gui's.any thoughts?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "kuroSAVVAS" (Mar 27th 2006, 4:11pm)



Posts: 5

Location: Greece

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Thursday, May 18th 2006, 10:13pm

RE: Greek keyboard layout problem

Savva go to layout configuration (kcontrol> Regional & Accessibility>Keyboard Layout) and remove the Greek layout. Now select it from the list on the left and add it again. select the right Greek entry and make sure "Include latin layout' is checked. The Command should now be something like: setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,gr
Notice the us part...

Btw you can use kile in gnome too. If you can't find an entry in the gnome-menu open a console (gterm?) and type kile.
Proud to be a KDE user!
"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."
- Albert Einstein

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "hellblade" (May 18th 2006, 10:14pm)