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Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 12:38pm

Easy switching between "basic" and "intl" keyboard variants for the same layout

Hello all,

I'm using SuSE Linux 10.0 with KDE 3.4.2 Level "b" on my Dell Inspiron laptop.

The keyboard layout is United Kingdom, and this works fine; but I have found it impossible to have an easy way to switch between the basic and international variants of this layout. Most of the time the basic layout is fine, but occasionally (since I work outside the UK and I also write quite a bit in languages other than English) I need to make extensive use of accents, etc.

Using the KDE Control Module, I have selected "enable keyboard layouts", but can only select one United Kingdom layout, either "basic" or "intl"; I can't have both, or at least can't work out how to. Selecting "United Kingdom" from the "Available layouts" removes it from the list.

The result is that the only way I can switch between "basic" and "intl" is to actually go into the KDE control module and change the selected variant.

How can I change this? What I want is to be able to switch easily between "basic" and "intl", preferably by something like pressing both shift keys.

Many thanks,

-- Joe