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Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 3:15pm

Ugly line or border above(over) the kicker Kde 3.5rc1(gone) but in 3.5.0(present) .How to disable ?

I have kde 3.5 instaled from suse packages (
I've instaled kde 3.5 rc 1 and ugly line above or over the kicker was missing or gone
When I have instaled 3.5.0 final this line over or above is present, Is there any *.rc file where I can disable this ?? Or any other solution. If anybody have questions here is a screenshot(2)



Tuesday, January 17th 2006, 12:12am

Bump from beyond the dead.

This line is really bugging me. How do you get rid of it?


Wednesday, January 25th 2006, 4:18pm

So, nobody knows how to get rid of it? :(