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Thursday, June 30th 2005, 3:32pm

Changing the K Menu for all users, all at once

Good day

We're deploying Linux workstations at our enterprise. I've done a Windows AD authentication via samba and I've installed as root.

What I noticed is that the menu for in the K menu is only avaiable for root.
Teorically, I'll have to create it manually for all other users. Is there a way I can create such menu WITHOUT having to install with all single users?


Thursday, June 30th 2005, 4:07pm

RE: Changing the K Menu for all users, all at once

Okay, thanks anyway. I've just found the solution.

If anyone else would like to know: I copied the files from /root/.kde/share/applnk/Open 1.1.3/ to /etc/X11/applnk/ (just a reminder, I've created the Open Office folder into the applnk folder).



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Thursday, June 30th 2005, 7:14pm

kde-config --expandvars --install apps

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