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Thursday, May 5th 2005, 12:05am

Help Me I Hate Kopete!

i am so confused on kopete. i used to have windows and i used AIM but my computer crashed so now i have linux, and kopete. i hate it and it won't let me sign on and each time i try it tells me that "i have exceeded the rate limit and then i should try again in about 10 min. So i wait EXACTLY 10 min. but it still doesn't let me on. The few times it does sign me on, it'll sign me off whenever it feels like it. Also when i add contacts, it will say they aren't online when i know they are! it also deleted half of my buddie list so i had to add all of them back, but it says they're offline anyways, when they're not. also it doesn't let me send or recieve pictures, and it doesn't show me chat invitations, and i have looked in the settings for these topics and they aren't in it. i am about ready to give up on Kopete AND linux.
kopete annoys me and it better shape up before i kill it.


Thursday, May 5th 2005, 3:00am

thanks you guys are a lot of help.. :(
kopete annoys me and it better shape up before i kill it.


Thursday, May 5th 2005, 10:03am

Have a little bit of patience.

Maybe you're experiencing a problem that most people don't experience. This means that it will take a little bit longer to get a valuable answer.

And maybe it's worth checking out the mailinglist, or post on the mailinglist, as that's the place the Kopete developers visit the most I think.

Otherwise, also check out the #kopete irc channel on
You'll get live feedback there I guess.


Friday, May 6th 2005, 9:28pm

I'm getting the same error, and created a thread with the same question. I have no idea what the problem is. Now it won't let me logon to AIM at all. Not even after hours of waiting.


Sunday, May 8th 2005, 4:32pm

There are too many people with this problem. Noone from development team bothers to answer. I just found one short sentece stating "no problem in 0.10. But the 0.10 source is not awailable (great help than) for people using anything older than KDE 3.4 (blink). .. maybe because it is not compatible ?? KOPETE IS DEAD! Sorry to say that, if I am just kopete's user, not developper.


Wednesday, May 11th 2005, 1:00am

I joined the #kopete channel on the IRC server listed above, and they had no clue about this issue. I contacted AIM to file a bug report, but they don't answer those reports with emails, they simply try to fix the problem. I have no idea what to do next. This is frustrating.


Wednesday, May 18th 2005, 7:21pm

I've been having the exact same problem. It seems to lock me out until I sign onto AIM via another program.

What I think may be happening is that Kopete is locking you out before AIM locks you out based on what it detects as exceeding some limit (so to keep the main server from kicking you out).

Here's what I do:

1) Get off Kopete
2) Log onto another AIM: i.e. GAIM
3) chill out for a few minutes
4) Log off GAIM
5) Get back on Kopete, and everything works fine


Tuesday, May 24th 2005, 5:24am

0.10 doesn't have support for direct connections (so no pictures or file transfers), chats, buddy icons, and rich text over aim.

SVN Trunk has some support for rich text, the AIM protocol is being rewritten from scratch so hopefully that fixes the problems, my friend had the same 10 minute lock out problem as you.

It may be a while before AIM is fully supported, AOL isn't renowed for their open protocols, despite them using 'open' in the name (Open System for CommunicAtion in Realtime). Unfortunately the kopete development team is incredibly undermanned (I think the total has now risen to 6 developers working on it).


Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 4:02am

kopete hates us too

I just did a fresh install of Xandros and kopete won't allow me to connect to AIM either. I get the same rate limit error as the rest of you. If anyone has any info on a fix it would be greatly appreciated.